Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Nugget's First Picture

Today was the day that we got to see our little nugget for the first time. We heard the heartbeat and it was so incredibly fast. It was below 150, which wives tales say is a boy! The doctor said that our due date is June 4, 2013. That puts me at six weeks pregnant! If we had been one month later it could have had the same birthday as my niece, Stella. I am so happy that its birthday will be end of May/beginning of June. It just seems like a fun time of year to have a birthday...perfect weather, end of school year, possible birthday vacation, and pool parties!

We could not stop staring at this little dot after our appointment. We can't believe it's finally happening and there is actually something in there! We both were downloading mommy and daddy apps before we went to bed and we love learning more and more everyday about the developments. We have another ultrasound in two weeks. I will be posting another picture of little nugget after and revealing my choice for how I will do growing belly pictures!  

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